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Photo by Sandy Lankford

After marketing and branding award-winning events for fifteen years, Michele's love of all things fun and fabulous in lifestyle, fashion and design led her to create April 25th Design and Decor.

Believing that interior design should have a solid grounding in classic principles, yet convey a sense of whimsy, Michele approaches each project with a plan that reflects her client's unique interests and specific needs. Whether working in a residential or commercial environment, Michele's goal is to style the space so it will evolve over time without looking dated.

With a broad base of clients throughout the country, Michele has proven experience which translates into success for her customers and projects.

A continual pursuit for the fresh and the refreshing encourages the California and Texas based designer to mix the traditional with the contemporary, the vintage with the new.

Click the email link to contact Michele or call her at 310-916-6391 and get started.

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